Giving to TBC

Why we believe in giving...

Paul in his writings to the Corinthians teaches us “God loves a cheerful giver” (2 Corinthians 9:7). Cheerful giving, therefore, should be a way of life for the Christian who understands the grace of God. When we give generously and with a willing heart, God assures us He will watch over us and provide for us

​We have been given the greatest gift the world has ever known, Jesus Christ. God has shown His love, His grace, His mercy though His only begotten Son. It was at the highest cost to God, yet to no cost to you and I. We can be forgiven freely of our sin, and inherit eternal life. having freely received, we freely and cheerfully give.

​If you are visiting this site, we are not about your money but about your relationship with Jesus Christ. We do want to afford anyone, everyone a convenient way to support the ministry of our Lord at Temple Baptist Church.